When you realise there really is only "one you"

I had a minor shunt in my car while waiting at traffic lights just a couple of weeks ago. Luckily a little damage to the car and a slightly sore back that my colleague could sort out quickly were the only repercussions. However, it does bring the realisation that you really only have one life and "one you".

I see this regularly in my profession, albeit on a smaller scale. The choices we make every day directly affect our health and our quality of life. While there are some big choices that can have disastrous consequences (not paying attention on the road is one!) there are many smaller decisions that can all build up over time. Do not be alarmed, I'm going to explain how you can take all of those smaller decisions in your control to build up a very positive effect.

Have you heard of the Public Health England (PHE) campaign, "One You"? I hope you're nodding your head, but perhaps I've noticed their advertisements more because they often remind me of particular patients and I make a mental note to send them a quick message with that resource or to tell them at their upcoming appointment.

The One You campaign explains that "modern life makes it hard to be healthy. Without knowing it, by the time we reach our 40s and 50s many of us will have dramatically increased our chances of becoming ill later in life. Whether we are eating the wrong things, drinking more than we should, continuing to smoke despite everything we know, or just not being active enough, all of these small things can add up to an unhealthy you." They provide loads of resources online, in apps and out and about to help us make healthier choices each day to build up to living better and for longer.

It's important to point out that I'm in no way suggesting that everyone with a health condition or injury is to blame and I'm not saying that these problems can all be prevented. I live with a couple of chronic conditions, but I've found that for myself, the small decisions I make with my diet and exercise regime make a huge impact on how I feel. I hope that I can inspire people to try some simple changes over time to see if they help.

I am trained as a Naturopath, as well as an Osteopath, so I can help people take a fresh look at their overall health to see where changes can be made for the better. I use Osteopathic treatment to help physical problems, prescribe exercises, give dietary advice (I always swap things, rather than just remove them!) and help support people to make changes to reach a goal they choose.

My challenge to you... take a look at the Naturopathic Triad below. Take some time to sit and think about each aspect of your health. Score how well you feel in each area out of 10. Anything below a 5 is a priority to address!

Now write down all the things that you already do to help that aspect of your health. Then, the tougher bit, write down all the things that have a negative impact on that area of your health. This should give you a few starting points to make some simple changes. By listing the beneficial things you already do, you can focus on doing these more while trying to reduce the negative things.

Just beginning to think about your health and breaking it down into manageable areas makes it easier to make helpful changes. It's important that we get each area working at its best. If you don't know where to begin, have identified things you want to change but don't have the solutions or you're in need of support, please do get in touch.

Visit the PHE website for more information about the campaign and to access their excellent resources. If you have any questions about Osteopathy or Naturopathy, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Call me on 07543 55774632 283649
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Zoë Clark is a registered osteopath trained at the British College of Osteopathic Medicine in London. Practicing in Howe near Norwich (01508 558373) and Burston, near Diss (07543 557746) in Norfolk.


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